Books by Chris

Illumined By Wisdom and Love (2025)

Illumined by WIsdom and Love is a pragmaticist look at certain aspects of political philosophy and urges a pragmatic, realistic, and dialogical commitment to political discourse,

The book defends the importance of political wisdom and an appropriate kind of love in political life while criticizing contemporary political life’s excessive power and conflict-oriented disposition.

The book can be found at Amazon. com or can be purchased from the publisher.

Peace at Battle Mountain (2024) (as Alystair West)

This novel, written under the pen name Alystair West,  continues the saga of Arthur and Glynn Stone, now in middle age and confronted by another financial crime, personal problems, and murder.

Arthur and Gwynn Stone, as well as an entire cast of characters face another series of murders set in the midst of an economic disaster.

Peace at Battle Mountain is available at several outlets, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Marshland (2023) (as Alystair West)

This novel, written under the pen name Alystair West,  follows the exploits of a young attorney and a diverse cast of characters as they become entangled in a mystery unfolding on various levels: personal, legal, moral, and spiritual.

Marshland is available at several outlets, including WestBow Press, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

Crisis of Discipleship: Renewing the Art of Relational Disciple-Making (2022)

Crisis of Discipleship outlines barriers to disciple-making in our culture and a wholistic, relational strategy for disciple-making in the 21st Century. Crisis of Discipleship begins with the nature of our culture and a look at the prophetic work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his classic Cost of Discipleship. It then discusses the fundamentals of a holistic discipleship strategy and the importance of community in disciple-making before returning to Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison as a prophetic word to our day.

Crisis of Discipleship is on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as available from the publisher at at

Letters To Leaders (Bay Village, OH: Bay Presbyterian Church, 2019)

Letters to Leaders examines a servant shepherd leadership model for churches and other organizations. It focuses on helping Christian leaders lead after the example of Christ by adopting the best understanding of modern management. It was privately published. Copies can be obtained by contacting the author.

Salt & Light: Everyday Discipleship (Collierville, TN: Innovo, 2017)

Salt & Light: Everyday Discipleship is a twenty-four-week study containing 24 basic Bible studies, learning to tell Bible stories from memory and in your voice,  preparation of simple Gospel presentations and testimonies about what God has done and is doing in their life, and the basics of evangelism and discipleship training for lay people and pastors alike. It is designed to be done in small groups with mature believers and new or non-believers.


Path of Life: The Way of Wisdom for Christ Followers (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014)

Path of Life: The Way of Wisdom for Christ Followers looks at wisdom literature from the perspective of a pastor deeply concerned about the condition of contemporary society. Western culture, in general, and American culture in particular, has unwisely cut itself off from its deepest spiritual, moral, and practical roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Overcoming the deep-seated incoherence of our society will involve a recovery of sources of ethical and practical wisdom that lie at the very roots of human culture. This book is an attempt to take a look at these roots in a way that is accessible not just to experts but also to laypersons who are willing to work a bit to understand the sources of our current condition and the way forward.

Centered Living/Centered Leading: The Way of Light and Love (Memphis, TN, Shiloh Publishing, 2010)

Centered Living/Centered Leading: The Way of Light and Love was an original attempt to look at the wisdom of leadership as a committed Christian through the lens of the Tao Te Ching. Government, industry, and non-profit leaders are bombarded with advice concerning becoming better leaders. Much of this advice draws on Western, secular leadership theory. There is nothing wrong with this approach. However, Christian leaders cannot forget that their success as leaders and in forming people who walk in the way of Jesus will be more affected by their character than by techniques of leadership theory. Therefore, in Centered Living/Centered Leading, I attempted to explore the personal, spiritual, and character basis for leadership.

3 thoughts on “Books by Chris”

  1. Dear sir,,,just wanted to say,how much I enjoyed your book,on the Tao,,,,I found that,the Tao,as you commented,on it,help to deepen my understanding of a lot of Scriptures,,,,,one of my favourite devotional books,is “Christ,The Eternal Tao”, your book,will,in future be sitting next to it.
    I’m Catholic,myself,,,but the way I look at it,is,we’re in different regiments,,,,but the same army,,,,take care,God bless,you,yours and your ministry,,,,in His Precious Name,,,,,
    Remember a sinner,in your prayers,,,,

  2. Hi Chris & Cathy… you won’t remember me, Doug Thompson from the Cordova campus. Rick Thompson is my brother. I want you to know how much I miss you both, I miss the Praise Choir and so much more that has changed. You changed my life and I love you for that. God bless you sir…


    1. Dear Doug: of course I remember you! Kathy and I are doing fine. I’m trying as best I can to continue to work just a little bit in retirement. When I say work, I really mean volunteer. We have a new grandbaby, Mirela and a new grandchild on the way. Busy times.

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